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Submit your Microsoft Word 2003-2016 document to the editors with the form below. Receive a price quote. Send payment through PayPal. Get your paper fixed. Receive your tracked changes and clean draft by email.
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Our Services
How to Upload Your File
Light Editing
You have a good grasp of grammar, language usage and organization. Your document has a solid structure and does not need major revisions. Since this document is important, you just want to make sure your writing is error free. If this describes your document, the editors will choose the light editing service for you. No rewriting sentences or corrections to APA or MLA format citations. Submit your document below for a price quote.
General Grammar
Typographic Errors
Heavy Editing
You have trouble finding the right words to express your thoughts or getting your paragraphs in the right order. There are five or more grammatical errors in your writing. You have a lot of good information down, but it isn't quite organized or flowing the way your teacher or employer expects. Well, this will take quite some effort to fix. So, the editors will choose the heavy editing service for you. Submit your document below for a price quote.
Sentence Structure
Organization of Content
Word Choice
Transition & Flow
Typographical Errors
College Essay Editing
M. A. Proposals
Thesis Editing
Ph.D Proposals
Ph. D Dissertations
Grant & Business Proposals
Book/ Novel Editing
Research Paper Editing
Technical Writing
Technical Editing
Professional Writing Projects
Ready? Let's fix your writing!
Easy Edits Writing Services
All papers must be set to double-spacing.
The editors give price quotes based on double-spacing and quality of writing.
Papers more than 5 pages require special consideration and pricing.
Papers needing revisions to APA or MLA format are charged the highest price point.
STUDENTS: Please copy & paste the original assignment and requirements for your paper as given by your instructor. Please use the "What services do you need?" box.
Email us:
STUDENTS...High school, College, Graduate...
Please type the instructions or requirements for your MLA or APA assignment in the "What services do you need?" box. Include the page length. Thanks!
No money up front! Honest, hassle-free service guaranteed.
Once we receive your document, we will email you the price and payment information. The full cost of our services must be paid via Paypal invoicing before we edit your document.