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"Argument essays require you to take a position on debatable issues. Your position on the issue is your thesis. As Purdue Online Writing Lab notes, argument essays contain research from factual, authoritative sources to support your ideas, not just personal opinions or anecdotes." Read the Article
"The American Psychological Association, or APA, format is the preferred writing style for the social sciences at colleges and universities. “The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association” outlines requirements for writing, typing and arranging papers. Read the Article
"The General Educational Development exam provides a high school diploma equivalency credential to adult learners. The 2014 GED test is more academically rigorous than the previous 2002 version. In addition to basic skills, the new exam measures college readiness for success in higher education and the workplace." Read the Article
"The narrative essay involves telling a story from beginning to end in chronological order. The writer is encouraged to creatively recount an episode from personal experience using descriptive language and clear organizational strategies associated with good storytelling." Read the Article
"An advertisement from a life coach promises to usher clients to their devine purpose in life. A lecture in a copywriting course states, “How else will you and they assesthat the finished article fits the bill?” A teacher’s lesson plan reads, “Have each student too read pages 358-361 in their science books and too answer questions 1-6.” Read the Article
"Violence against teachers is mundane. It is no longer shocking. Teachers defending themselves against violent attacks in the classroom is commonplace. Unfortunately, students of all ages are threatening and fighting their teachers and school administrators. Consider this January 7 headline from a local Arkansas newspaper.” Read the Article
"As violence committed by students against teachers and general absenteeism increases, public school administrators must contend with a growing demand for substitutes and a concomitant high turnover rate within this temporary employment pool. Among several others, one obvious reason for the shortage is, of course, school violence.” Read the Article
"Recently, I substituted for a 5th grade class at a relatively middle class elementary school. The school was tucked away about two miles from my home in what I thought was an older neighborhood. However, this ‘neighborhood’ is actually an incorporated city, with its own police department.” Read the Article
"The children are the future. Are we in big trouble? An anonymous 10th grade student wrote the following statement on a standardized test. The question asked students to characterize Abraham Lincoln based on two readings about his personal life and politics." Read the Article